What I Loved About: Twin Flame EP (Maude Latour, 2023)

Maude Latour’s third EP album titled Twin Flame came out last week on June 9th, and it is giving everything I hoped it would. I’ve been a fan of Maude Latour’s music for a few years now, and this EP is giving just enough of her classic pop sound but with its own uniqueness added as well. I see the aesthetics of this EP as summer, bright pink and deep purple (as these are the colors of the album art), sparkles, and dotting the i in your name with a tiny heart. That list might seem kind of random but I swear if you listen to the EP you’ll know what I mean. 

(Image of Twin Flame by Maude Latour from Genius)

Twin Flame is about young, sapphic love and the high one experiences when they fall fast and hard for someone. Maude Latour incorporates the fluidity of her sexuality into a lot of her music and often writes about her experience with the blurry lines between friendship and romance. There are seven tracks on the EP, and each of them stood out to me in different ways while still maintaining a cohesive style and overall theme. Minerals and Diamonds has a more electro-pop hyper-produced sound, reminiscent of Charli XCX, while Lunch is the track I would say sounds most like Maude Latour’s previous work, with a fun, upbeat sound and quick lyrics. 

My two favorite tracks from the EP are Heaven and Lovebomb, and while these tracks may sound very different from each other after your first listen, I think they compliment each other in a really beautiful way. Heaven is a dreamy pop fantasy about meeting someone and falling hard for them. The song describes how perfect the speaker imagines this relationship could be in the future, with low energy pop sound that sounds very flowy and natural. The sound emphasizing what the lyrics of the song are all about, which is a love that immediately feels natural and right. Lovebomb, however, tells the story of falling hard for someone but not knowing if they feel the same. Maude Latour repeatedly asks the question, “is this the real thing?” throughout the song, as she goes on to answer for herself with, “this is the real thing.” Lovebomb has an acoustic pop sound that makes it sound as vulnerable as the lyrics are. Together, these songs show the more appealing side and the less appealing side of being completely infatuated by someone. It can be beautiful, romantic and sparkly and it really is that way sometimes but it can also be terrifying when you don’t know if the other person truly feels the same as you do. 

Favorite Lyric from Heaven:

“Don’t you think it’s sweet that I’m dreamin’ ‘bout you

Even when you’re sleeping next to me?”

Favorite Lyric from Lovebomb:

“And I’m late to everything now,

For just a couple minutes staying in your house”

I'm so excited to listen to this EP album this summer, and to keep up with what Maude Latour puts out next. The Twin Flame EP has been a long time coming and it did not disappoint!


  1. Your writing gets better and better with each blog post :)

  2. love how you described this album, might have to go give it a listen now!

  3. You're so real for doing this omg I love this so much.


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